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Added a new essay, on the Goldberg-Herman family, who married into the Silbernadels, at the end of World War II. - 29 Oct 2012

Re-organized the menu, adding an Essays item. Improved the logo, in the header. Added essay on Shtetl Life. - 18 May 2011

Added map of the East End of London in 1922 - 17 May 2011

Added map of the spread of Zylbernadels, in 19th Century Poland - 16 May 2011

I have added the history, as complete as it is, so far and started to add documentation, scans of records, files downloaded from various genealogical resource sites and photographs.

I have also added a family tree from FamilyEcho and started to make some use of the Joaktree component, built by fellow Amsterdam resident, fellow Jew and fellow Joomla enthusiast, Niels van Dantzig.

The work is still in progress...

Here are listed all the births on record for the 19th and 20th centuries, in Poland:

Of course, some of the females would be Zylbernadels by marriage only and some will later change name.

Naturally, holocaust victims would not have continued the genetic or nominal line or there would be a lot of Zylbernadels still, in the world. Often the only record of their lives is in testaments of survivors.

N.B. Names that are probably male are shown in blue

1827 Golda - Belzyce

1830 Dyna - Belzyce

1831 Icek Kielman (died 1832) - Belzyce

1831 Hana Perla - Belzyce

1832 Necha - Belzyce

1833 Matys Manas - Belzyce

1834 Necha (Nucha) - Kazimierz (probably died in 1841)

1835 Matys Dawid - Belzyce

1835 Moszek Chaim - Belzyce

1835 Srul Matys - Belzyce

1836 Hanie - Belzyce

1836 Wolf Berek - Kazimierz

1838 Ruchla - Belzyce (probably died the same year in Kazimierz)

1839 Cywia - Belzyce

1839 Izrael - Belzyce (probably died in 1840)

1840 Sura Jenta - Belzyce (possibly died same year)

1842 Dyna - Kazimierz

1842 Ezryl Icek - Kazimierz (possibly died in 1843)

1842 Manas Matys - Belzyce

1845 Mendel Matys - Belzyce

1847 Abram Uszer - Belzyce (died same year)

1848 Ita Chena - Kazimierz

1848 Gierszon - Kazimierz

1851 Dysia - Belzyce

1851 Abram - Kazimierz

1852 Abram Icek - Belzyce

1852 Aron Josef - Belzyce

1856 Naftula - Belzyce

1856 Noech - Belzyce

1857 Azryl - Belzyce

1857 Josek Dawid - Kazimierz

1859 Bajla - Belzyce

1861 Ela - Belzyce

1861 Ita Malka - Belzyce

1861 Sylka - Kazimierz

1861 Abram Icek - Markuszow

1862 Noech - Belzyce

1863 Czarna Malka - Belzyce

1865 Jta Gitla - Kazimierz

1865 Cahja Perla - Belzyce

1866 Chana - Belzyce

1866 Ryfka - Belzyce

1867 Esterka - Belzyce

1867 Moszek - Belzyce

1868 Itta - Belzyce

1869 Josek Lejbus - Kazimierz

1872 Jankel Josef - Chodel

1874 Jakob - place unknown

1880 Elkanan - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1880 Elieza - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1881 Noma (Zylbernudel) - Kazimierz

1881 Gitl - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1883 Masza - Lublin

1883 Towa - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1886 Cywia - Lodz (holocaust victim)

1886 Chaia Fraydla - Kazimierz

1886 Cywia Ruchla - Kazimierz (holocaust victim)

1887 Joseph (wife Sara) - Kazimierz (holocaust victim)

1888 Szmul - Lublin

1891 Sura Chana - Lublin

1892 Srul - Kazimierz

1892 Perl - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1893 Icel - Kazimierz

1893 Frymeta - Kazimierz

1893 Machla - Kazimierz

1894 Bluma Zylbernadel (father Barukh Hopfeld; mother Nekham; husband Aharon) - Markuszow (murdered 1943 in Belzyce)

1894 Moshe - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1894 Chaim - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1896 Rywka - Chozla (holocaust victim)

1896 Moszek Chaim - Josefow nad Wisla

1896 Aharon Leib/Lebi Zilbernadel (father Meir; wife Bluma) - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1897 Moszek Jakow - Kazimierz

1898 Moshe (wife Khana and/or Genedel) - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1899 Boruch - Josefow nad Wisla

1901 Malka - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1903 Szmuel - unknown location (holocaust victim)

1904 Josef - unknown location (holocaust victim)

1905 Golda - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1906 Israel - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1906 Sudic Silbernadel 30 Dec - unknown location (holocaust victim)

1907 Gytle - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1907 Esther (father Elieza; mother Towa) - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1908 Yzak Zilbernudel - Polavi (Pulawy) (holocaust victim)

1910 Ita - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1910 Faige Zilbernudel - Polavi (Pulawy) (holocaust victim)

1910 Perl - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1910 Jakob (father Elieza; mother Towa) - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1910 Jenta - Location unknown (holocaust survivor - emigrated to Brazil in 1948)

1910 Condyr - Location unknown (holocaust survivor - emigrated to Brazil in 1948)

1912 Ysrael (father Elieza; mother Towa) - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1912 Mordcha - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1913 Sara - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1913 Hinda - Location unknown (holocaust victim)

1915 Sara - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1916 Ryfka (father Elieza; mother Towa) - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1916 Aron - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1918 Schlomo (father Elieza; mother Towa) - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1919 Mosche (father Elieza; mother Towa) - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1918 Izrael Tobiasz 29 May - unknown location (holocaust victim)

1921 Chaim - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1922 Hinda (father Aharon; mother Blima) - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1923 Asher - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1924 Sara - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1924 Pesja - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1924 Genendel - Warsaw (holocaust victim)

1925 Miriam - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1925 Jacob - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1926 Khaim (father Aharon; mother Blima) - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1927 Yerakhmiel (father Aharon; mother Blima) - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1927 Riwka - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1926 Chaim - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1926 Etel - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1929 Mendel - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1929 Simkha (father Aharon; mother Blima) - Belzyce (holocaust victim)

1939 Yehosuoa Zilbernadel (father Aharon/Aron; mother Sara) - Warsaw